Insurance and Risk Management June 2018 Assignment

04 Apr

Insurance and Risk Management

1. Alok has completed his MBA and has joined the insurance industry. He was recruited for non-life insurance. He wanted to prepare himself with various types of non-life insurance policies offered in the industry, so he approached his brother who was also working in insurance industry to brief him. If you are his brother elaborate on various types of policies offered in non-life insurance category.

2. Neha was accompanying her manager in selling life insurance. Her manager wanted her to understand the different factors that affects the cost of life insurance. He asked her to make a small report covering the factors. Help Neha to prepare the report.

3. In the insurance sector, underwriters or actuaries use various methods to determine the rates of premium. As an insurance company is a profit business, the rate of premium charged for insurance must be sufficient enough to provide for losses and expenses while at the same time earn profit for the company. Alok works as an actuary in an insurance company. Suggest which method of premium calculation would be used in the following cases:

a) Same rate of premium is charged from individuals under the same situation.

b) Method frequently used by commercial fire insurance companies.

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