Business Communication

27 Jun


Burgess and Green (2009) explain that YouTube users engage with this medium “as if it is a space specifically designed for them and that should therefore serve their own particular interests”. This can have enormous positive or negative impacts for organizations involved in crisis management, including but not limited to the inability of boundary spanners to monitor the vastness of this space; malicious users who might create a crisis; and the leveraging capabilities of this platform to enhance a brand during a crisis. Just as consumers can use this social medium to create a crisis for a company and interpret an organization’s reputation throughout, so too can an organization use this medium to manage a crisis and improve its reputation. CEOs of corporates, would come to understand this dynamic as their brand can suffer a devastating blow when their own employees can upload a vulgar video demonstrating the uselessness of their product.

Answer the following question.

Q1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Q2. Give an overview of the case.



Zarathe Spanish clothing and accessories retailer founded in 1975,is one of the hottest fashion chains of 21st century, offering men’s clothing, women’s clothing ,cosmetics, complements and children’s clothing Since its initial public offering in 2001,Zara’s parent, Inditex tripled its sales and profits and doubled the number of stores for its flagship brands. Headquartered in Spain, Zara is now for its innovations and its stores operate in choicest locations in Europe, Asia and North America. Described by many as the most devastating retailer in the world, the company has rewritten a number of rules in the fashion retailing industry so far through its novel strategies. Any Zara store typically carries only a small batch of merchandise, compelling shoppers to visit the stores frequently. For example, in London, shoppers visit the average store four times a year, but frequent zara 17 times annually. Zara makes about 20,000items a year which are being released in phases. The small batch size helps the company catch the changes in fashion quickly and introduce new models at amazing speed-thanks to its grip over the supply chain. Every store places orders twice a week and shipments reach most European stores in about 24 hours’ time .Customers (as well as store employees) thus, are pretty sure about when shipments will arrive and visit the store frequently making enquiries. Zara has so far resisted the industry wide trend towards transferring fast fashion production to low-cost countries. By concentrating its production in-house and in Spain, Zara has developed a super–responsive supply chain. It designs, produces and delivers a new garment to its stores in mere 15 days, something very unusual in the fashion industry, compared to 6 month industry average. The company also does not believe in offering its products and discount and when it happens occasionally, it averages only 15%.Amazing to relate, Zara follows a zero advertising policy to invest percentage of revenues to opening new stores 1285 stores all over the world currently with annual sales of over $10billion. Zara is able to push competitors to the wall so far due to its ability to design, produce and deliver fashion garments efficiently and effectively, leveraging on its unique resource strengths and capabilities.

Answer the following question.

Q1. Why do you think Zara does not believe in advertising?

Q2. Why do you think Zara offer limited discounts as compared to other retail brands?



Employees were very positive about the SnapComms employee communications tools and the pilot process in general. The pilot team set up an escalation process for employees to leave feedback. “We did not receive one single negative comment about SnapComms, the offline time or anything to do with this pilot or process.” A survey was also conducted with staff in the pilot group to assess their satisfaction with each of the SnapComms tools. The results were very encouraging and endorsed the positive feedback that the Internal Communications team had received during the course of the pilot. Standard metrics that were collated for AHT, such as problem resolution, customer satisfaction and commissions were broken down so that results for the pilot and control groups could be separately identified. Improvements in resolution rates were made following the pilot. In terms of commissionable sales, the GenY pilot group performed better than the control group and their GenX and Baby Boomer counterparts, and suffered more when the offline time was withdrawn. Following were the key benefits of SnapComms channels • Messages delivered fast and read promptly by employees • Easier for employees to access critical or time-sensitive information • Comprehensive, robust reporting and measurement • Reduced volume of content sent due to content filtering and aggregation • Visual, fun and eye-catching ways to send information • Reinforced employee learning.

Answer the following question

Q1. What was the impact SnapComms on business KPIs? Comment.

Q2. What was the employee response to the SnapComms? Discuss.



Do you believe that communication skills are an important part of your relationships and that good relationships are significant for a happy life? However, you’re not sure where to start to improve your communication? Improvement of communication skill is necessary for better relationships at home and work It can be so frustrating when you struggle to get what you want to say across to someone important. And equally distressing when you know you battle to be in your best state to listen and be open to hear what they have to say. This series of courses will take you on a journey to put the building blocks in place for a strong foundation for effective communication, and develop your skills that are needed for relating to others to build relationships. For the past ten years I – and my clients – have been applying this communication model and enjoying more freedom to express ourselves, and noticed how our empathy and compassion have grown as we become more understanding, more understood and able to handle the complexities of interpersonal communication. Imagine being able to pick up where the miscommunication is happening, make the necessary adjustments that are within your control, and get your message across more often while also understanding others more easily. Would that be useful? Would that improve your relationships? By unpacking the complexity of communication we can simplify it, and then you’ll know how to develop your communication skills.

Answer the following question.

Q1. Why training on communication skills is necessary? Explain in detail.

Q2. Give your views on the case.

MBA-Essay Writing

MBA-Essay Writing
23 Feb

Business Models
Blue Ocean Strategy
Competition & Strategy ⁄ Competitive Strategies
Core Competency & Competitive Advantage
Corporate Strategy
Corporate Transformation
Diversification Strategies
Going Global & Managing Global Businesses
Growth Strategies
Industry Analysis
Managing In Troubled Times Managing a Crisis
Market Entry Strategies
Mergers, Acquisitions & Takeovers